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Английский Этимологический словарь - mend


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- 12c., aphetic form of O.Fr. amender (see amend).
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  See: ON THE MEND. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  ~1 v 1 »REPAIR« a) to repair a tear or hole in a piece of clothing  (My father used to mend our shoes.) b) BrE to repair something that is broken or not working; fix1 (1)  (When are you going to mend that light in the hall?) 2 »BECOME HEALTHY« a) informal if a broken bone mends, it becomes whole again b) old-fashioned to become healthy again after being ill 3 mend your ways to improve the way you behave after behaving badly for a long time 4 mend (your) fences to talk to someone you have offended or argued with, and try to persuade them to be friendly with you again 5 »END A QUARREL« to end a quarrel or difficult situation by dealing with the problem that is causing it  (I've tried to mend matters between us, but she's still very angry.) - mender n BrE ~2 n 1 be on the mend to be getting better after an illness or after a difficult period  (He's had flu, but he's on the mend. | signs that the economy is on the mend) 2 a place in something where it has been repaired ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (mends, mending, mended) 1. If you mend something that is broken or not working, you repair it, so that it works properly or can be used. They took a long time to mend the roof... I should have had the catch mended, but never got round to it. = repair, fix VERB: V n, have n V-ed 2. If a person or a part of their body mends or is mended, they get better after they have been ill or have had an injury. I’m feeling a good bit better. The cut aches, but it’s mending... He must have a major operation on his knee to mend severed ligaments. VERB: V, V n 3. If you try to mend divisions between people, you try to end the disagreements or quarrels between them. He sent Evans as his personal envoy to discuss ways to mend relations between the two countries... = heal VERB: V n 4. If a relationship or situation is on the mend after a difficult or unsuccessful period, it is improving. (INFORMAL) More evidence that the economy was on the mend was needed. PHRASE: v-link PHR 5. If you are on the mend after an illness or injury, you are recovering from it. (INFORMAL) The baby had been poorly but seemed on the mend. PHRASE: v-link PHR 6. If someone who has been behaving badly mends their ways, they begin to behave well. He has promised drastic disciplinary action if they do not mend their ways. PHRASE: V inflects 7. to mend fences: see fence ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, short for a~en — more at a~  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1. to free from faults or defects: as  a. to improve in manners or morals ; reform  b. to set right ; correct  c. to put into good shape or working order again ; patch up ; repair  d. to improve or strengthen (as a relationship) by negotiation or conciliation — used chiefly in the phrase ~ fences spends the weekend ~ing political fences — E. O. Hauser  e. to restore to health ; cure  2. to make a~s or atonement for least said, soonest ~ed  intransitive verb  1. to improve morally ; reform  2. to become corrected or improved  3. to improve in health; also heal  • ~able adjective  • ~er noun Synonyms:  ~, repair, patch, rebuild mean to put into good order something that has been injured, damaged, or defective. ~ implies making whole or sound something broken, torn, or injured ~ed the torn dress. repair applies to the fixing of more extensive damage or dilapidation repaired the back steps. patch implies an often temporary fixing of a hole or break with new material patch worn jeans. rebuild suggests making like new without completely replacing a rebuilt automobile engine.  II. noun  Date: 14th century  1. an act of ~ing ; repair  2. a ~ed place ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. restore to a sound condition; repair (a broken article, a damaged road, torn clothes, etc.). 2 intr. regain health. 3 tr. improve (mend matters). 4 tr. add fuel to (a fire). --n. a darn or repair in material etc. (a mend in my shirt). Phrases and idioms mend one's fences make peace with a person. mend one's manners improve one's behaviour. mend or end improve or abolish. mend one's pace go faster; alter one's pace to another's. mend one's ways reform, improve one's habits. on the mend improving in health or condition. Derivatives mendable adj. mender n. Etymology: ME f. AF mender f. amender AMEND ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) ремонтировать; исправлять 2) совершенствовать, улучшать 3) штопать (трикотажное полотно) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  чинить ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. заштопанная дырка, заделанная трещина the mends were almost invisible —- починенные места были почти незаметны, штопка была почти не видна 2. улучшение (здоровья, дел и т. п.) to be on the mend —- идти на лад, идти на поправку, улучшаться 3. чинить, штопать; латать; исправлять; ремонтировать to mend shoes —- чинить ботинки to mend (up) one's clothes —- починить одежду my socks need mending —- носки нужно заштопать to mend invisibly —- производить художественный ремонт, делать художественную штопку to mend a brocken window —- застеклить разбитое окно the road was mended only last week —- дорогу отремонтировали только на прошлой неделе 4. улучшаться, поправляться (обыкн. о здоровье) my health is mending —- мое здоровье улучшается the patient is mending nicely —- больной быстро поправляется his leg is mending —- его нога заживает 5. улучшить, исправить to mend one's ways (manners) —- исправляться, вести себя лучше Id: to mend the (a) fire —- подбросить топлива Id: to mend the matter, to mend matters —- помочь делу Id: it does not mend matters to cry, crying will not mend matters —- слезами делу не поможешь Id: to mend one's race —- прибавить шагу Id: it is never too late to mend —- посл. исправиться никогда не поздно Id: to mend or end —- либо исправить, либо вовсе оставить; полумерами делу не поможешь Id: latest said, soonest mended —- посл. словами делу не...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  ones pace прибавить шагу MEND ones ways исправиться MEND the fire подбросить топлива MEND  1. noun  1) заштопанная дырка, заделанная трещина и т.п.  2) улучшение (здоровья, дел); to be on the mend - идти на поправку, улучшаться  2. v.  1) исправлять, чинить; штопать; латать; ремонтировать (дорогу и т.п.)  2) улучшать(ся); поправляться (о здоровье) - mend the fire - mend ones pace - mend ones ways it is never too late to mend prov. исправиться никогда не поздно mend or end либо исправить, либо положить конец; полумерами делу не поможешь that wont mend matters это делу не поможет Syn: see repair see treat ...
Англо-русский словарь


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